Want to join a band?
Learn the ins & outs of playing music with friends
A collaborative class for ages 7-11

What's Included
Weekly hour long classes for $65/month
(that's less than 1/2 the price of private lessons!)
No previous musical experience required.
All students will learn:
Basic Guitar Skills
Basic Keyboard Skills
Vocal Performance
Drum Fundamentals
Students will rotate instruments each week.
Repertoire includes both classic & current pop/rock favorites.
Why rock band?
Explore the benefits of group music making
Engaging, contextually appropriate lessons
The opportunity to play multiple instruments
A chance to develop interpersonal skills
Learn how to set and achieve "big picture" goals
The perfect peer-supported environment for problem solving, musical growth, and creativity
Performances at the end of each quarter

Class Times Offered:
There are currently no available classes.
To request a class, please email emilyelizabethpianostudio@gmail.com
with the subject "Rock band class"
How To Register
Registration is
currently closed.
Please email
to request
a class!